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Steve McQueen is back to the big screen with Blitz; a beautiful and very human insight into World War II. In a recent interview with Film London, Supervising Location Manager Jonah Coombes said “London is the key thread that ties it all together, and the long list of locations that we featured were those that we felt best portrayed that version of wartime London on screen.” Cue, FilmFixer!

We had a number of shoots in Camden including on on Wicklow Street for a brief but vital scene of Rita (Saoirse Ronan) emerging from a night in a bomb shelter.

Jonah said of the shoot that “Wicklow Street worked so well for us because it’s cobbled and is pretty much surrounded by period-correct buildings and, crucially, it had empty plots where we could build the bombed-out structures

The attention to detail in the set build was stunning, and took approx. 4 days of prep; satellite dishes, railings and gates were removed, contemporary doors and windows were cladded, signage and graffiti was covered up… And that’s not even to mention the 3 full-scale house façades that were constructed and everything that was dressed in.

Then after 4 days of strike, Wicklow Street was reinstated back to exactly as it had been found. The total magic of Locations and Art Department!

Blitz is available to stream on AppleTV.