Camden local Charles Roskilly lands a full-time role with Lime Pictures.
With the support of FilmFixer’s training manager, Sue Russo, Charlie spent 10 weeks on Series 5 of Celebs Go Dating over the summer this year (2018), the series currently airing on E4 (October and November 2018).
Having impressed Lime Pictures as a freelance runner, he was invited to return on a full-time contract for the next series which starts filming this month (November 2018).
Sue Russo says “ Lime pictures were filming in the borough over a six month period. They were particularly keen to put something back into the community so we asked them to take on some new talented runners. We worked in conjunction with Camden council and their communities team in order to source aspiring new entrants into the film industry.”
Charlie was shortlisted from a large number of applicants and was subsequently sent for interview before being selected.
“It wouldn’t have happened without Sue,” Charlie says. “A lot of people working in these London roles are not from London.”
Sue explained that landing jobs in the screen industries often requires personal connections and doing unpaid internships which can put vital work experience beyond the reach of many talented individuals: “At FilmFixer we really believe this needs to change.”
She believes wholeheartedly that London’s screen industries can benefit enormously from employing people who are able to contribute a wide range of stories, outlooks and expertise. She is also working with key partners such as the BFI, Call Time, Film London’s Equal Access Network and Screen Skills, as well as production companies, to improve equality of opportunity in the industry.
“We encourage all the productions we work with, particularly the large ones, to ensure that training and job opportunities are being offered to local talent. It was obvious that Charlie would be a brilliant candidate.”
What has this opportunity meant to Charlie?
“I felt really welcomed by the Lime Pictures production team as well as the crew and celebs on the show, everyone has been cool. I think it’s a two way street, even though I was more junior everyone treated me with respect and it’s those sorts of things that keep you motivated.”
Charlie now has a foothold in the industry which will enable him to work towards his next career goal. Sue recently visited Charlie on set to see him at work. She was able to observe what a valued member of the team he had become. And they have already discussed his next steps to achieve his aspirations of working in research and development.