The film adaptation of Nick Hornby’s A Long Way Down opened this week, starring Pierce Brosnan, Toni Collette, Imogen Potts, Aaron Paul and featuring Camden’s Waterlow Park – proudly arranged by FilmFixer.
The actors were showered with fake rain in the scene, and none of Pierce Brosnan’s admirers on set seemed to mind him having to towel off and change.
He plays a former breakfast TV host whose dalliance with a 15-year old (who looked 25) has ended his career. Imogen Poots is a manic-depressive MP’s daughter. Aaron Paul is a pizza delivery boy claiming to have brain cancer. And Toni Collette is a single mum whose son has cerebral palsy.
FilmFixer was pleased to help flaunt the picturesque location on screen – a popular picnic spot for locals when the weather warms up.