Lee Park Way is a London location gem. You get a 1.2 km private, rural road that is fully-controllable.
Cillian Murphy starred in a short film shot in the park, ‘All of This Unreal Time’, which used a tracking vehicle and steadicam. The filmmakers shot Cillian walking from Walthamstow Marshes and onto Lee Park Way. ‘Temple’ season two, starring Mark Strong, shot a scene of two characters opening a car boot to an unexpected surprise and a roadside coffee shop scene. Music videos shot on Lee Park Way include FKA Twigs, Yung Lean, Wolf Alice, James TW, Rhys Lewis and prxz. ID Mobile shot their latest commercial on Lee Park Way.
Set within the Lee Valley Regional Park in North-East London, this atmospheric road runs under a number of huge pylons, and in parts has two lanes. Sections of the road have permanent bollards, and some are removable. Halfway down the road there’s a small car park and to the east the River Lee Navigation provides stunning scenic views.
For further information on Lee Park Way and other Lee Valley locations please get in touch via info@leevalleyfilmoffice.co.uk