Marcella opened with a grizzly finding in Camden, but some of its most intense scenes will also take place in Lambeth, Southwark and Islington.
The body of a child called Leo has been discovered in Camden’s Mornington Crescent. It turns out he was a friend of Marcella’s son Edward, and Edward was supposed to walk home from school with Leo on the day he was abducted.
FilmFixer manages the film office service for Southwark, Lambeth, Camden and Islington where much of the series was filmed between July and October last year.
FilmFixer director Andrew Pavord says, “We’re really pleased that Southwark and Lambeth in particular are so able to help out with shows like this.
“You can see glimpses of scenes shot in Lambeth’s Evelyn Grace Academy – which plays Marcella’s son’s school – in the trailer here.
“Southwark, ever ready with a rooftop location, had a cracker available for some action sequences still to come.
“In scenes telling of our times, the Marcus Lipton Building in Lambeth plays a food bank. In some of her erratic and disturbing behaviour, Marcella leaves an Islington building on Cowper Street screaming and hitting herself. And the press is gathered outside the colourful terraced homes of Hartland Road in Camden when Marcella makes a high profile arrest.
“The production was able to find two separate flats on Lambeth housing estates to accommodate scenes in and around the home of characters Eric and Gail.
“We’ve already seen Marcella head to Leo’s home to break the terrible news about his body being found. That was in Southwark’s Collett Road in Bermondsey.
“Her son Edward’s school is the Evelyn Grace Academy in Lambeth where Edward went missing briefly. Further scenes shot there will be in next Monday’s episode (March 5th) when Marcella visits for an art event. While she’s there, Marcella tries to ask Edward more about the day his friend Leo disappeared
“Also next Monday, Marcella will get an ID on the body of Luke Howell. His foster home was filmed in Southwark on the Neckinger Estate. When Marcella and colleague LeAnn visit looking for clues, they find out from Luke’s foster mother that he was supposed to meet a friend called Andrew on the night of his disappearance.
“The CCTV footage of Luke and Andrew saying goodbye was shot outside Brixton underground station.
“The Mondrian Hotel in Southwark was used as a private members club, where Maya gives a speech at an important fundraising event, only to have her husband Vince show up and launch a drunken tirade against guests.
“And there’s a child character called Adam who’s been abducted. We see him at Southwark’s Rail Sidings Road where he crosses and walks into a tunnel, alone. From a distance we see there is a car in the tunnel. Adam turns his head towards the car. He stops and walks over to the car where we watch him exchanging a few words with the driver before he opens the door, gets in, and they drive away.
“We’ve been introduced to the characters Gail and Eric, brother and sister. Eric is working on a zero hours contract for Vince’s company.
“Their home scenes were filmed on a couple of estates in Lambeth. In Wimborne House on Dorset Road there’ll be masked men creeping into the tower block and bursting in. In other scenes police will appear and surround Eric as he approaches the flat.
“Another home in Woolley House in Loughborough Junction plays in the inside of their flat where the brother and sister argue at one point. Eric takes a gun out of a draw and leaves the flat. As he walks along the communal walkway he tucks the gun into his clothing out of view.
“The Marcus Lipton Building in Minet Road, in Lambeth is used as the interior of a food bank the siblings go to, with Eric distinctly awkward about it.
“In one of most high octane sequences Marcella, her colleague Rav and armed police surround a lock up, while armed police on a nearby roof get into position. The action was shot on and around the St Saviours Estate in Southwark.
“The team breaks into the lock up, but quickly ends up running through the estate and on to the roof, for yet another unsavoury discovery.
“And DCI Frank will find Marcella wrapped in a hoody in the underpass near there at another point.
“More of Marcella’s erratic behaviour was shot in Cowper Street in Islington, where she comes out of a building furious, hitting herself and screaming.
“Coming back to Camden, among the colourful terraced homes of Hartland Road Marcella and uniformed offices will arrive to arrest a man, putting him into the police car, in front a throng of reporters and photographers.
“The production made donations to a Hartland Road residents association, along with residents associations on St Saviours, Neckinger, Loughborough and South Lambeth Estates. These were very kind gifts to thank residents for having them.
“While Marcella makes her way around London solving crime for a second time we’ve been really happy to help out again, with unexpected, atmospheric and timeless locations.”