The British Film Commission has been working with the government and industry to address issues around planning for the temporary use of buildings and exterior space for filming.
The British Film Commission said that it is very grateful to government, having recognised the economic and cultural benefits of film and television production, both on a national and local level, has listened to the industry’s concerns.
As a result, the Department for Communities and Local Government has drafted legislation around Permitted Development Rights which will make it quicker and easier for filmmakers to gain permission to film in interior and exterior spaces. They hope that this legislation will help address the need to supplement our world-class purpose-built studios with temporary alternative stage space to increase capacity at this particularly busy time and reduce red tape for interior and exterior filming.
This is the industry’s opportunity to ensure that the draft legislation is fit for purpose.
Government must ensure that the legislation will not impact negatively on local businesses, residents or on the environment so it is framed with these issues in mind.
The section pertaining to filming starts on PAGE 35. Pay particular attention to conditions relating to size, height, duration and other caveats in PARAGRAPHS 2.83 and 2.84 and provide your comments accordingly. Detailed instructions on how to respond can be found on page 6.
View the Technical Consultation on Planning
The consultation CLOSES ON FRIDAY 26TH SEPTEMBER so please ensure all responses are submitted by that date.
Please note, this legislation is additional to change of use planning legislation so any projects which do not qualify under Permitted Development Rights will still be able to apply for temporary planning as they do now. This legislation covers England only.